The Claw
title = Advanced Grabbing Unit
manufacturer = Kerbal Motion LLC
description = Kerbal Motion engineers have long struggled with the problem of how to extract dropped tools from complicated machinery. After observing an intern cleaning out his shoes by turning them upside and shaking them inside the lab, our team was hit with a stroke of inspiration! Why not turn the rocket parts upside down and shake them? The grabbing arm perfectly filled this niche, and is quite capable of lifting heavy machinery. It has since found other uses, besides delicate tool extraction operations. AKA "The Klaw!"
title = Продвинутое Захватывающее Устройство
manufacturer = Kerbal Motion LLC
description = Инженеры из Kerbal Motion долгое время решали проблему, каким образом извлечь инструмент, упавший в недра сложнейших механизмов. Нашу команду посетило невероятное озарение, когда мы увидели, как один из стажеров вытряхивает мусор из своего ботинка. Почему бы нам не перевернуть ракету кверху дном и не потрясти ее, подумали мы? Хваталка идеально подошла для этой цели и легко подняла тяжелейшие механизмы. С тех пор она обрела новую жизнь и решает новые задачи, помимо деликатного извлечения инструментов.
Launch Escape System
title = Launch Escape System
manufacturer = Kerbodyne
description = This solid rocket tower is designed to wrench the command pod up and away from a malfunctioning rocket.
title = Система аварийного спасения
manufacturer = Kerbodyne
description = Система аварийного спасения разработана с целью выдергивать пилотируемый модуль подальше от терпящей крушение ракеты.
S1 SRB-KD25k
title = S1 SRB-KD25k
manufacturer = Kerbodyne
description = This super heavy booster is designed to be recovered after jettisoning. Once recovered, it is refurbished and refueled for another launch.
title = S1 SRB-KD25k
manufacturer = Kerbodyne
description = Этот сверхтяжелый ускоритель рассчитан на повторное использование после отделения. После возврата на космодром, он подлежит ремонту и перезаправке для последующих запусков.
title = A potato like rock
manufacturer = The Solar system
description = Big ole, rock like thing.
title = Картошка похожая на камень
manufacturer = The Solar system
description = Большая, старая, похожая на камень вещь.
LFB KR-1x2
title = LFB KR-1x2
manufacturer = Kerbodyne
description = This liquid fuel booster system is a very purposeful piece of engineering. Instead of relying on single engines or solid rocket boosters, the KR-1x2 employs two modified KR-1 engine, fed by a built-in fuel system, as the source of its immense lifting power. All that self-contained goodness comes at the cost of not having a mounting point for its underside, and not being quite as efficient as dedicated engines. It also comes at quite a literal cost as well.
Kerbodyne KR-2L Advanced Engine
title = Kerbodyne KR-2L Advanced Engine
manufacturer = Kerbodyne
description = This engine is Kerbodyne`s first attempt at a super heavy lifting engine. Later models have been designed with multiple nozzles to prevent a single point of failure, and reduce manufacturing costs.
title = TR-38-D
manufacturer = O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises
description = Originally designed to separate buildings that were stuck together, O.M.B has repurposed these explosive bolts for use in separating stacks of massive rockets.
S3 KS-25x4 Engine Cluster
title = S3 KS-25x4 Engine Cluster
manufacturer = Kerbodyne
description = Kerbodyne engineers got fed up with having to contend with overly complicated staging arrays for lifting heavy payloads, and decided instead to just build a truly enormous engine. Strapping together four of Kerbodyne`s KS-25 rocket motors in a single assembly, they created the largest rocket engine in production anywhere. It`s certainly got the power to match its size, and although it excels in its main role as a first-stage engine, the lack of structural hardpoints on its underside makes it quite less suitable for other purposes. Its price tag also seems to match its size, in fact.
Kerbodyne S3-14400 Tank
title = Kerbodyne S3-14400 Tank
manufacturer = Kerbodyne
description = Kerbodyne`s signature super heavy fuel tank. Designed to be used with their advanced rocket engines.
Сообщение отредактировал 27 августа 2014 - 19:00