Незнаю будет полезно или нет (даже не помню где достал), но есть конфиг на переключение топлива в баках, работает без дополнительных плагинов, (вроде
name = FSfuelSwitch
// the resources in each tank setup. Separate setups with a semicolon. Separate tanks that go together in a single setup with a comma
resourceNames = LiquidFuel,Oxidizer;LiquidFuel;Oxidizer
// the max amount of a resource in each tank in each setup. semicolons separate setups, commas separate tanks in a setup
resourceAmounts = 6480,7920;12960;15840
// the dry mass of the part with no tanks
basePartMass =10
// each type of tank setup can weigh a different amount. Batteries should weigh more than an empty LF tank. Some resources should require sturdy tanks.
//tankMass = 0;0;0
// Additional Funds cost for the different tanks. This is added to the part’s base cost.
//tankCost =0;0;0
// If true, a line is added on the right click menu listing “Added Cost”, because the price widget in the editor is not updated often enough to make it obvious
displayCurrentTankCost = false
// Whether the player can affect the tank setup selection directly, or must do it through a mesh or fuel switcher.
hasGUI = true
// If true, the user can switch resource types while playing. This will empty out the tank. Makes sense for converting a tank from LiquidFuel to Kethane after landing a mining base for instance. Default is off of course.
availableInFlight = false
// Is the player allowed to set up the tank in the hangar? In the above scenario, maybe you don’t want that.
availableInEditor = true
// If true, it feeds info to the module info system that appears when you righ click a part in the part catalog in the hangar. In sets of mesh switchers and fuel switchers, you will want to turn this off in one of them
showInfo = true
name = FSfuelSwitch
resourceNames = LiquidFuel,Oxidizer;LiquidFuel;Oxidizer
resourceAmounts = 3240,3960;6480;7920
basePartMass =5
//tankMass = 0;0;0
//tankCost =0;0;0
displayCurrentTankCost = false
hasGUI = true
availableInFlight = false
availableInEditor = true
showInfo = true
Танк масс - дополнительный вес, который можно приплюсовать к базовому
Сообщение отредактировал 17 января 2015 - 01:11